Bamboo Money Blocks

Each Frequency has a unique way of seeing the world, which is why it’s so helpful to know which position your Frequencies are in, because that’s the area of your life they’ll impact the most directly.  If a Frequency is in your Foundational position, it’ll effect you in an overarching, foundational way.  If it’s in your Professional position, it will effect how you make and earn money.  Both can have impacts on your relationship to money and some money blocks you may be facing.

Each Frequency has strengths and challenges, including the way it relates to and sees money.

Understanding how your Frequency views money, and thus the common blocks or challenges it might have with it gives you insight and ultimately power to work on that money block baked into your life experience

Bamboo is a naturally driven and action-oriented Frequency.  They are great at looking around and seeing what could be improved upon. They love taking things from good to great, and have a strong awareness of personal development, meaning they like personal growth as well as adventure and challenges to overcome.   They love moving quickly and can sometimes move a lot faster than those around them.  They’re incredibly comfortable with change, in fact, they crave it

A money block that is commonly associated with the Bamboo Frequency is feeling like they’re never doing enough -even when they totally are. This can make them feel they they always have to be doing more, and not appreciating how much they’ve already done and how far they’ve come.  They can be so focused on the horizon, they can miss how great the present is. In some cases, it can lead to exhaustion or burnout because of the inability to enjoy the present moment without always striving hard for more.

The key here is to slow down and take some time to enjoy how far you’ve come and the journey to get here.  If you’re always charging around corners, you can miss the view.  Because Bamboo Frequencies love change and are good at creating movement in their life, they can feel like their wasting away if they’re not putting all that growth energy to good use.  It’s ok to be low-key for a while.  It’s ok to enjoy the view.  The more you enjoy the journey, the more all that change and growth will happen.

The more a Bamboo Frequency can enjoy how far they’ve come without stressing and obsessing about the future, the better their relationship with money is going to be.

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